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community questions

XP has a constantly evolving team and we don’t believe that any individuals should be singled out for extra attention. We believe our hard-working Telegram and Discord mods are just as important to our long-term success as our development team. While team members are free to reveal their identities and backgrounds, we do not make public reveals mandatory. Just like gamers and streamers, which many of us are, we identify far more with our online identities than we do with our identities in the offline world.

We will happily consider listing on exchanges in any country. If there is an exchange that would like to list us, they can contact us directly via Discord, Telegram, or the support ticket system.

This is a FAR bigger answer than can fit in a little FAQ. The short version is that we would like to be a coin that can serve the entire global community to reward experiences and milestones of every type.

Yes! We are actively putting together a marketing team, including social media experts to begin ramping up community engagement.

  • Join us on Discord. Type “$begin” in the #chat channel to activate the Tipsy bot and participate in rains, soaks, tips, and hunting for buried treasure!
  • Join the World Community Grid (WCG) and donate processing power to scientific research solving real-world problems. Check out the #wcg-info channel on Discord for more information.
  • Participate in our Twitter marketing drive to earn XP for sharing our announcements. Check out the #xp-twitter-info channel on Discord for more information.
  • Collect coins from the XP faucet on StakeCube.

We’re also working on multiple new ways to earn XP rewards. Stay tuned to our announcements for more info!

The message “Unconfirmed” or “Generated but not accepted” (also called an “orphan”) means you found a block but someone submitted the same result just before you.

Your result was therefore generated but rejected by the network because it can’t have two identical blocks – and someone beat you to it! Orphan blocks like this do not disturb your staking.

XP has never had a partnership with Steam. However, we proved that it is possible to independently reward XP for activity in another organization as long as that data (gaming info in the case of Steam) was made public.

eXperience Points is in no way related to the point-of-sale locations listed below. These locations have elected to offer platforms for the exchange of our currency, and you elect, if you so choose, to use them at your own risk. eXperience Points is not responsible for any lose of coin or investment originating from the use of these locations.

eXperience Pointsは、以下に記載されている取引所とは一切関係がありません。 これらの取引所は、当通貨を交換するためのプラットフォームを提供する場所であり、投資家の皆さまは自己責任でこれらの取引所の使用を選択できます。(Translation courtesy of @tama-ma Japanese fanfic creator)





Almost all exchanges ask coin development teams to sign a non-disclosure agreement about not making announcements until the exchange itself announces. This prevents us from making public statements about any potential ongoing discussions with any exchange.